Are you disrupting? Or being disrupted?
I know, you might think I’m crazy saying this. Because without a doubt, this year we’ve faced disruption on a scale we’ve never experienced before. And nor could we have predicted it. But in this time of external disruption that’s forcing change upon us, one of the most important things we can do is disrupt our businesses internally too.
Why? Because when you can’t predict the future, it is a great time to consider creating it.
By Michael Mekhitarian
We’ve had a series of webinars over the past few months in the wake of Covid-19, with a range of guest speakers on a spectrum of topics to help you deal with the challenges that lie ahead.
One of the most interesting conversations we’ve had was with Geoff Olds, an Entrepreneur and Technologist who has spent more than 20 years in the tech industry, working with a number of start-ups and acquisitions that have won awards nationally and locally.
He’s an interesting guy. And one of the key takeaways from his discussion was that right now, in this disrupted environment, one of the most important things business owners and leaders can do, is disrupt themselves as well!
We don’t quite know yet what the new landscape looks like, but we do know it has changed. Dramatically in some instances.
So, ironically, the biggest favour we can do for ourselves right now is to change our own paradigms, shift our own thinking.
Most of us resist change, but it will be our biggest ally in the months ahead. We need to be gathering information, upskilling ourselves, and most importantly, unleashing our most imaginative and innovative ideas as we consider what comes next.
I’m not suggesting you re-work your business from the ground up. There’s no need to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’, as the old saying goes.
But great change brings opportunity. Are you looking for it?
Are you considering aspects of your business that could make it better? Or are you licking your wounds?
I do not pretend to be some kind of self-help motivational guru and I totally understand and respect the fact that for some businesses, staying afloat is all that matters at this point in time. But …. The game has changed. And if you’re not willing to dust yourself off at some point and join the team, then you might as well pick up your ball and go home. It really is as simple as that.
The Growth Equation
With a little research, some inspired thinking, and a deep dive into the numbers of your business, specifically, to identify where there is growth potential and profit – you can take control.
At ATB partners we use a sophisticated piece of software called the Growth Equation, to drill into your numbers. Then we analyse these to give the full picture. And then we can help you to brainstorm solutions – these can range from small tweaks to what you’re already doing. Or the numbers might point to diversification, embracing new systems that remove the admin burden and streamline overheads. Who knows? Every business is unique. But armed with the evidence presented in your own business numbers, you can make decisions that are going to serve you business, rather than risk taking a total gamble on a panic-driven or risky idea.
This is an essential part of our 5-steps to control your business, designed especially for small and medium sized businesses. And we have many clients who are testament to the value of this process.
It’s a worthwhile exercise. And if ever there was a time to do this, it’s now. Because knowing your growth opportunities and pain points will help you navigate the months ahead. We’re in for a slow economic recovery, some businesses won’t survive. Give your business the best chance.
If you’d like to evaluate your business, contact us.