New President Elected for the Parramatta Chamber of Commerce!

Yesterday the Parramatta Chamber of Commerce announced to their members that Michael Mekhitarian is the new president! Michael is a certified practising accountant (CPA) and a founding member and director of ATB Partners – an Accounting and Business Advisory Firm in Parramatta. Michael has close ties with the Parramatta Chamber and several other volunteer organisations. He was the Vice President of the Parramatta Chamber last year and the treasurer for the two years prior. Michael has over 20 years’ combined experience in working on corporate boards and with not-for-profits such as Rotary.

Michael is focused on maintaining the engagement between the Parramatta business community and the Parramatta Business Chamber by continuing to work on a steady increase in membership as well as ensuring new and existing members of the chamber are benefiting from the services provided. Relationships with the government will also be maintained with the former Parramatta Chamber of Commerce President Roger Byrne commenting “We will continue to develop good working relationships with Federal and State Government and most notably Parramatta City Council and the Lord Councillor Scott Lloyd”.

Michael is very excited about his new role as the President of the Parramatta Business Chamber. He is particularly enthusiastic about being involved in the Western Sydney Awards for Business Excellence (WSABE). Michael has said “We take this opportunity to thank Roger for his service as President over the last two years, Roger had done a fantastic job and we are pleased Roger will remain on the board and continue his valuable work.” Roger Byrne will continue his excellent work with the chamber in an executive role as Immediate Past President.

David Hill will continue on with his role as Vice President sharing the position with Jennifer Vella. Eric Tjoeng will also remain as the Treasurer. The executive committee’s roles and responsibilities will include planning, policy and legal and financial management of the Chamber.
The Chamber Board consists of 15 elected board members. The office bearer of the Chamber shall comprise the Executive Committee consisting of the President, the two Vice Presidents and the Treasurer together with the Immediate past President providing being the latter be an elected Board member.


The Parramatta Chamber of Commerce has been working with the community for over 100 years. The Chamber is a not-for-profit organisation which promotes and shares best business practice, and offers platforms to lobby government on behalf of business where required, including advocacy for education, representation to government, industrial relations and issue management.

Are you interested in becoming a member of the Parramatta Chamber of Commerce? Visit their website to learn more.