Immigration visa holders data matching program

The ATO will acquire names and details of visa holders, their sponsors, and migration agents for the financial years from 2013/14 to 2016/17 from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

In particular, the following data will be obtained:

• address history for visa applicants and sponsors
• contact history for visa applicants and sponsors
• all visa grants
• visa grant status by point in time
• migration agents (visa application preparer who assisted or facilitated the processing of the visa)
• address history for migration agents
• contact history for migration agents
• all international travel movements undertaken by visa holders (arrivals and departures)
• sponsor details (457 visa)
• education providers (educational institution where the student visa holder intends to undertake their study)
• visa subclass name.

The records will be electronically matched with certain sections of ATO data holdings to identify non-compliance with registration, lodgment, reporting and payment obligations under taxation laws.

Source: Commonwealth Gazette Notice C2015G01255, 04 August 2015.